Well everyone and there brother is blogging about there poker experiences in life, so might as well start one of my own. Should be fun to look back at all my posts one day, and remember my poker road whether for good or bad.
Anyways a little about me, I grind NL200FR at FTP as my main game, im 25 years old, been playing poker for about 2 1/2 years now, and first started out playing home games with my freinds for 5 to 10 dollars. I currently live in manchvegas (manchester), nh with a buddy of mine.
I post on 2p2 as Bannnnn, but don't think i've ever really posted anything with actual real content in it, 2p2 though has helped me improve my game way beyond anything besides deucescracked, so first want to formally thank all those who post strat on there and helped me to become a much better player today.
anyways as this is my first post I really have no clue what your really supposed to write about in these things, but im sure ill get the hang of it after a few goes.
ill leave you with my march graph so far from my laptop as I post this from my freinds house and am not in front of my desktop, ill post my desktop graph later on today or tommorw
march graph so far from my laptop